Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Burnley 2013 blade show schedule

Hey Guys,
Changing things up a bit this year. Here's my basic schedule for the show. If there are any changes or additions, I'll post in this thread.
Looking forward to seeing you guys there.   :)


Table 19F

Friday 5/31

7am - People wearing exhibitors badges admitted.

12pm - Show opens for people with VIP and Retailer passes and early bird admission.

2pm - Show opens to the public.
  • Fixed blades and Cypops will be sold first come, first served.
  • Burnley Brawler badge pick up.
  • Preview of open bid and lottery knives.
7pm - Show closes.

Saturday 6/1

8am - People wearing exhibitors badges admitted.

9am - Show opens to public.
  • Beep Beep lottery sign up to run throughout the morning; all knives will be drawn by 12pm. (For those of you who have not tried this type of lottery: Details will be posted soon.)
  • Open bid knife will close after the Beep Beep lotteries at 12:15pm. The 5 minute rule applies and those not attending are welcomed to send bids in via email to:
  • After the open bid, I'll be doing a Brawlers Only lottery for one (1) knife at 12:30. You will need your Brawler badge with you.
6pm - Show closes.

Sunday 6/2

8am - People wearing exhibitors badges admitted.

9am - Show opens to public.
  • I'll be standing at my table without knives and a thousand yard stare....stop by and say Hi.
2pm - Show closes.